Each year, we celebrate the Season of Creation over five Sundays, beginning September 8.  This coming Sunday, October 6th, is the final Sunday, when we celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis and the Blessing of the Animals. The Rev. Dr. Portia Hopkins will preside at our 10 am service at 38958 Cypress Way in Gualala. 

As part of this special Sunday, Shepherd by the Sea will reach out to the community with a Blessing of the Animals event, at 11:45 am,  to be held in a grassy area adjacent to the church.  We invite you to bring your pets for a blessing by Rev. Portia.  We will also have treats for our four-legged visitors.

 About the Season of Creation: The Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration and commitment together. During the Season, we join our sisters and brothers in churches around the world in prayer and action for our common home. At Shepherd by the Sea, we began on September 8th with the theme of Forest, followed by Land, September 15, Wilderness, September 22, and River, September 29, concluding on October 6, when we observe the Feast of St. Francis and the Blessing of the Animals.

Shepherd by the Sea is a Protestant congregation open to the community in Gualala and the Mendonoma area. Our roots are in the Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and our worship liturgy is drawn from both traditions. 

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we would like to meet you. All are welcome to join us!